Public Safety ~ County Plans


Other County Plans:


Debris Management Plan 2020

Summary Brief:
One of the most obvious signs that the recovery phase is underway during a disaster is the removal and disposition of debris generated from the event. As a result of the sheer volume of debris that could potentially be generated, communities may be overwhelmed with the disposal of debris. This debris management plan (DMP) will assist the communities of Northumberland County in determining the appropriate options available in advance of an incident occurrence and provide control over debris management resources. Because of the potential for such incidents, the Northumberland County Emergency Management organization has developed this document as an appendix to the Northumberland County Emergency Operations Plan (EOP).


Hazard Mitigation Plan 2022

Summary Brief:
After suffering the effects of floods, windstorms, winter storms, and other natural and human-made hazards, the citizens, business leaders, and officials of Northumberland County recognized the need to develop a long-term approach to reducing their vulnerability to hazards. In 2016, the Northumberland County Department of Public Safety, the agency responsible for hazard mitigation in the County, began a review of the existing hazard mitigation plan, continuing to identify hazards that can affect the County and update or create new strategies to reduce damage from these hazards.


George B. Stevenson Dam Emergency Action Plan Notice

Summary Brief:
The George B. Stevenson Dam is a Size Category “A”, Hazard Category “1” located in Grove Township, Cameron County Pennsylvania.  Although the breach of the dam does not cause an immediate impact to out county, the down stream effects of a breach will impact Northumberland County and it’s municipalities as the outflow reaches there jurisdiction boundaries.

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