Mount Carmel Borough

50 W 3rd Street
Mt. Carmel, PA 17851

Phone: (570) 339-4486
Fax: (570) 339-6022


Philip D. Cimino, Mayor 12/31/2025
Robert Shirmer, President 12/31/2025
Leroy Moser, Vice-President 12/31/2025
Robert Barrett, Council Member 12/31/2023
Jack Spade, Council Member 12/31/2023
Edward Fegley, Council Member 12/31/2025
Clement Plisiewicz, Council Member 12/31/2025
Charmange Cimino, Council Member 12/31/2025

Michael Smith, Solicitor
Edward T. Cuff, III, Borough Manager
Ann Swartz, Borough Treasurer
Bryan Polifka, Code Enforcement Officer
Victor J. Girardi, LATS Coordinator
Christopher Buhay, Chief of Police
John Williams Jr., Fire Chief

Monthly Meeting Schedule: (Municipal and Planning Commission)
Regular Monthly Meetings are the third Thursday of each month.
Council work sessions are the Monday before the Regular Meeting.
All Meetings begin at 7:00pm & are held in Council Chambers at 30 West Third Street Mount Carmel, PA 17851

Planning Commission Members:
George Miller, 12/31/2026
Bill McClaflin, 12/31/2026
John Wascavage, 12/31/2023
Clement Plisiewicz, 12/31/2023
Robert Welker, 12/31/2024
David Green, 12/31/2025

Sewage Enforcement Officer:
Tom Gallagher
50 West 3rd St
Mt. Carmel, PA 17851
(570) 339-0472

Zoning Officer:
Bryan Polifka
50 West 3rd St
Mt. Carmel, PA 17851
(570) 339-4486

Public Safety Information:
Jack Williams, Jr., Fire Chief
Jason Godin, EMA Coordinator
Gary Hixson, Councilman Chair
of Public Safety

Tax Collector:
William Pitcavage
PO Box 342
Mt. Carmel, PA 17851

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