
Serving in the capacity of combined Executive and Legislative branches of County government, the three county commissioners are the chief governing body of the county. Statutory authority of the commissioners is primarily of an administrative nature with legislative or policy-making powers. The County Commissioners are vested with policy-making authority to provide local services and facilities on a county-wide basis.The County Commissioners are, in effect, the business managers of the county.

Administrative powers and duties of the County Commissioners encompass registration and elections, assessment of persons and property, human services, veterans’ affairs, appointment of county personnel, and fiscal management.

As managers of fiscal affairs, the Board of Commissioners are responsible for the adoption of county budgets, assessment of property, levying taxes and the borrowing of funds.

Commissioners serve on the County’s Salary, Retirement and Prison boards and make appointments to other boards, commissions and authorities as needed and/or required.

Their staff includes the Chief Clerk and Solicitor.

The Northumberland County Board of Commissioners are dedicated to providing public service to the community to protect, restore and improve the quality of life in Northumberland County. Functioning as the Executive and Legislative Branches of government, the County Commissioners and their associated agencies commit themselves to the leadership and service required in pursing activities beneficial to the citizens of the County of Northumberland.

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